The Spiritual Awareness Test: Insights Into the Questions and Answers

Here you will find an explanation of each question from a psychological and spiritual point of view. If you have not yet taken the test, but plan to do so, we recommend that you postpone the reading of this article until you have completed it, otherwise your answers may be less spontaneous.



The personal relationship with dominant ways of thinking, established beliefs, and all that is passively absorbed throughout life and rarely questioned. We tend to accept the world as it is, and our acceptance varies depending on the time and place in which we find ourselves living. Moral references are necessary, otherwise we move like flags exposed to the wind.

1. You find a substantial amount of money on the ground, enough to be able to buy you that thing you need. What is your first thought?

A person’s relationship with money is extremely indicative of his or her level of consciousness. Those who show great attachment to material wealth do not realize that life is ephemeral and that everyone, including billionaires, will someday end up in the ground and will not be able to take with them the wealth accumulated during their earthly lives. Money is the greatest and most powerful illusion produced by this world. In short, attachment to money is a direct gauge of spiritual sensitivity: the lesser the attachment, the greater the power of the spirit; and vice versa. The world in which we live forces us to use money, and doing without it is virtually impossible. In terms of awareness, it should be regarded as a temporarily necessary evil, while in concrete terms it should be used as little as possible in such a way that its social importance is reduced.

2. Is judging people right or wrong?

Ideally, the spiritually aware person observes things in the world with a certain emotional detachment, so they do not feel personally affected by what is happening around them. However, the line between conscious detachment and mindlessness is rather thin, and we must be careful not to confuse the two. The mindless person does not feel touched because they are selfishly concerned only with their own little backyard, losing sight, of course, of the big picture. When someone attempts to trespass on their backyard, the mindless person gets very angry. The spiritually aware person lets the grossness of the world slide over them because they are focused on the big picture of existence, of which earthly life only represents a small part.

Therefore, it is not a matter of right or wrong, for these are notions inherited from the world and, for that very reason, entirely illusory. The outer world is nothing but a projection of our inner world. So, feeling the need to judge means seeing in the other person a part of ourselves that we do not understand or accept. Actually, that thing we want to remove from us is exactly what we should pay attention to in order to better understand ourselves.

3. When 99 out of 100 people agree on a given issue, it means that:

It simply means that 99 people have accepted the same interpretation of reality, most likely without ever thinking deeply about it. At the same time, the one person in disagreement may have noticed something that everyone else missed, or may have developed an even more absurd theory than the majority one. Since outer reality is fundamentally a projection of our inner world, and the concepts of right and wrong are equally a result of the time and place in which we are born and raised, we cannot draw any definitive conclusions in terms of awareness.

4. What is the difference between GOOD SENSE and COMMON SENSE?

Common sense is widespread and occurs as a mass phenomenon typical of a given society. Good sense, on the other hand, refers to more subjective parameters and is therefore more closely related to individual consciousness. Whatever the case, in consciential terms there is neither common sense nor good sense, as both originate from the logic of the society in which a person finds himself or herself living. Consciousness has no roots in the world, no political color or nationality, and is neither good nor evil. All these concepts are produced by the mind and the duality underlying its functioning.

5. What do you think about the law?

In terms of awareness, the fact that we need so many laws means that humanity is still very immature. We could see it as a child constantly needing the guidance of its parents, because if left alone for too long he or she ends up getting into trouble. Childlike humanity does not grow up; on the contrary, the more time passes, the greater the need for laws to determine what can and cannot be done. Moreover, history tends to repeat itself again and again. A spiritually mature individual no longer reasons in terms of right and wrong since they have largely transcended duality; so, they see human laws as an obstacle to the development of individual consciousness rather than an aid.

6. At the end of this test you will not receive any results and you will realize that you have been deceived: what are you thinking right now?

This is a kind of control question to probe the user’s level of self-control and sincerity. Those who, up to this point, have provided conscientious responses, should therefore remain calm and accept the possibility that they have been fooled. Those, on the other hand, who have given impulsive and mechanical responses, should express irritation.



The capacity to pause and reflect, to inhibit impulsive responses when confronted with a situation that requires self-control and rationality. While acting on instinct may provide a temporary advantage in certain circumstances, it may not be a sustainable strategy in the long term. Instead, a more reflective mindset is vital for achieving a higher level of awareness.

7. What distinguishes human beings from animals?

Let us not lose sight of the conceptual basis of this test: measuring the level of consciousness and awareness. Analyzing reality lucidly, and without getting carried away by clichés or emotionalism, it turns out that the only real difference between animals and humans is, precisely, consciousness. From this basic difference all other differences come to life. The animal does not know that it was born and does not know that it will die; the human being does. Hence comes the distorted application of rationality, used in most cases to find justifications for the fact that purely biological life has no meaning. All this is done in order not to accept a simple truth: without the spiritual component, existence is merely reduced to survival, just as it is for animals.

8. Money makes one happy. What do you think?

This seemingly obvious question is actually not at all. Money, in symbolic terms, represents our energy. Since the outer world is a reflection of the inner world, those who wish to possess more money lack inner energy. On the other hand, those who remain indifferent to the amount of money possessed manifest greater inner, and therefore spiritual, balance. Thus, money appeals to our basest instincts, greed, competition and the desire to make everything – people included – measurable. Human society will never make any spiritual progress as long as it perceives the need to use money. From a consciential point of view, one should work towards the direction of limiting its use as much as possible, favoring cooperation, solidarity, selfless help, barter, and so on. Since outer reality is a reflection of inner reality, if most people would reduce their psychological dependence on money, automatically society would become less superficial, competitive and inequitable.

9. Someone tells you that a group of people made a stupid and ignorant comment about you, showing that they do not know you at all. How do you react?

The outer world is a projection of our inner world, therefore, if we give importance to what others think of us, we manifest an inner emptiness that begs to be filled. We show that we are still looking for answers on the outside, in others, in doing, in the world. Instead, answers must be sought inwardly. Moreover, giving importance to the judgments of others will only fuel one’s sense of insecurity, when it would be healthier to strive toward developing our own inner integrity and accept the fact that we cannot please everyone.

10. Regarding vices, what are your thoughts?

From a psychological perspective, vices represent inner voids and deficiencies of some kind, such as affective, which the individual tries to fill through attachment to the ephemeral pleasures generated by cigarettes, alcohol, and so on. From a spiritual perspective, however, vices are nothing more than sensory illusions. In fact, what someone likes may be unpleasant to someone else. Same experience, different interpretation. An evolved consciousness distinguishes what is illusory from what is real, so it is unlikely to develop a sensory addiction.



The ability to distinguish between genuine needs and the desires instilled by advertising and the materialistic tendencies of a consumerist society is crucial for developing deeper consciousness. This entails not only recognizing the intrinsic value of things, but also the ability to detach from them when they become an obstacle to personal growth.

11. <<The things you own end up owning you>>. This quote comes from a movie called Fight Club. What does it make you think of?

The film in question shows the moral softening of human beings accustomed to living in comfort and convenience. The film’s protagonist initially believes that he can find happiness by buying all the beautiful and desirable objects that advertising requires him to possess. Then, at some point, he develops a kind of alter ego that pushes him in the opposite direction, leading him to deprive himself of material things as well as to seek pain and suffering in order to finally feel alive. It is at that point that he achieves the awareness that objects (and money) are illusions, and that we do not actually possess anything that is not already within us.

12. In your opinion, is advertising really necessary?

Advertising, like money, merely solicits the most primitive drives of human beings. It generates induced demands, that is, needs that would not exist if advertising itself did not create them. Advertising produces inner emptiness, and then tells you how to fill it. The really important and necessary things do not require to be advertised, have you ever thought about that? By any chance, would you stop eating if you no longer saw food advertisements? If they abolished car and drug advertisements instead, do you think people would continue to be so addicted to these products?

13. The idea of leaving leftover food on your plate and then throwing it away (whether at home or at a restaurant), how does that feel to you?

From a spiritual perspective, waste does not exist, meaning that everything has its own purpose and place within a bigger picture. Wasting, therefore, implies that one is not making good use of the resources at his or her disposal, failing to understand their meaning and role in the complex mosaic of existence. Those who buy more than they need, and then don’t know what to do with it, show that they are still reasoning in purely material terms, prioritizing Having over Being. Now try, instead, to imagine that wasted food as a piece of you, being every single thing in the universe connected to all the others. Would you ever throw a piece of your own body into the garbage?

Moreover, from a strictly psychological point of view, the wasteful individual reveals a lack of knowledge of themselves and their limits. Moderation has always been considered a virtue because it requires active control over one’s instincts and drives.

14. If you could create an ideal world, what would you increase and what would you decrease?

The person most superficial and most involved in the twisted logic of the world, will respond that there is a need for more rights, more wealth and so on. These are all illusions destined to be short-lived. The individual with a broader and more transcendental view of existence, on the other hand, will go in search of elements perceived as enduring such as justice, beauty and truth.



The inclination to direct one’s attention and focus towards one’s inner self, or conversely, towards the external environment. The inner world poses intricate inquiries, whereas the outer world proffers straightforward and reassuring responses. Individuals who are introverted are often perceived as having a profound inner life, whereas those who are extroverted are frequently regarded as being insecure.

15. What kind of relationship do you have with noise?

Whether one likes that concept or not, noise tolerance is inversely proportional to spiritual sensitivity. Noise distracts the mind, deconcentrates it, and makes it difficult to attune to one’s soul. Silence is the basis of any spiritual practice. To put it in even more transcendental terms, silence estranges us from the world; noise brings us back into the world. This fact explains why so many people resent silence, for it compels us to listen to our soul; but if the soul is sick, what it has to tell us may be uncomfortable…

16. Which of the following situations inspires you the most?

This question is similar to the previous one, in fact it also has to do with silence and solitude. Constantly needing to be around others, movement and noise, is indicative of a mind that is distracted and a victim of sensory perceptions. The need for solitude and tranquility, on the other hand, stems from the necessity to take care of our souls as well, and to regain ourselves after being confronted with the chaos and disorder of society.

17. Which of the scenarios proposed below causes you the most discomfort?

Introversion is a character trait typical of the most sensitive and spiritually acute people. This does not mean that extroverted individuals lack depth; however, the need to constantly be around others, as well as to perform practical activities, makes the process of inner exploration more complicated. Similarly, it cannot be assumed that an introverted and shy person is particularly aware, although it is much easier for that person to tune into his or her soul. Reading a book in solitude stimulates thinking and creativity, while singing and dancing in a crowded club serves the diametrically opposite purpose of “unplugging”.

18. Why do people seem to be more swaggering and confident when interacting virtually?

This happens when someone does not possess a precise identity and tries, consciously or unconsciously, to adapt to the context in which they find themselves. You do not need to be a keen observer to notice how people try to show only their good sides when interacting online. Their lives often seem perfect if we limit ourselves to what they post on the Internet. But we are well aware that this is not the case, and that behind a facade of beautiful appearances frequently lies the narcissistic need to appear, to get acceptance, to feel part of something. Those who know themselves and are aware of their limitations, do not need all this.



Should we focus on asking questions or on finding answers? The temperament of the spiritual seeker is open to doubt; that of the worldly man is full of certainties. Have we ever considered whether those certainties are actually based on solid foundations? The idea of questioning everything can be daunting, yet evolving also means being able to face one’s fears.

19. Do you prefer to ask yourself questions or give yourself answers?

As reiterated by countless thinkers and philosophers of the past, including Socrates, ignorance is the cause of all evil, and knowledge is the only possible cure. The desire to know arises from doubt, and certainly not from the illusory certainties that the world offers us. The spiritual seeker asks himself or herself many questions and gives few definitive answers, since ultimate truth is not within our grasp and the only thing we can do is keep searching for it.

20. Below you will find a number of more or less common beliefs, choose the one you feel is most true:

Earthly life represents only a moment in the broader and more complex journey of existence. We should take advantage of it in order to grasp the good things it can offer us, but without placing too much emphasis on society’s values, as they rest on an entirely fickle and extemporaneous foundation. Ideally, it would be beneficial if we tried to approach life as if it were a game, taking it seriously as children do, but remaining aware that we decide the rules. Or as a journey that does not involve a specific destination and therefore does not dictate that we set down roots in a specific place forever.

21. What do you think about regret and remorse?

From a spiritual perspective, it makes little sense to distinguish between regret and remorse, as both are a result of the dualistic interpretation typical of the human mind. Between regrets and remorses there is the same difference as between doing and not doing. The only thing that really changes is our interpretation of the phenomenon, not the phenomenon itself. Whatever we decide to do or not do, let us first remember that we attribute a certain value to our actions or inactions, and not the other way around. We are not what we do; we do what we are.

22. Do you put your trust in politics?

The topic of politics is extremely divisive, as it takes off from a completely fictitious – and dualistic – division of the world. As childish as it may seem, most people still believe that the world is composed of good and evil, right and wrong. Having said that, awareness lies in understanding that neither position is better than the other, and that politics is nothing but a collective projection of our way of being; in fact, in politics you can find everything from the criminal who is prosecuted and  naturally – absolved, to the idealist who really believes he can change the world if he puts enough effort into it. Awareness also lies in understanding that by delegating your own power and responsibility to someone else, you only fuel this division, generating a vicious cycle that keeps human consciousness at an extremely low level.

23. Truth and relativism: what is the relationship between them?

There are no absolute certainties. Believing that we possess the truth is to live in the ultimate illusion. Although it may seem irritating at first glance, everything is relative to the point of view of the observer and his or her level of awareness. A child will interpret a given natural phenomenon very differently than a scientist specializing in that very field. The scientist will therefore have a higher level of awareness with respect to that phenomenon, but he or she may not necessarily be more aware than the child in absolute terms. Since awareness is a journey without a definite destination, what really matters is never to develop the presumption of having reached the finish line.



In theory, religion is about the spiritual needs of human beings. However, religiosity and spirituality are not the same thing, and they can even be mutually exclusive at times. Belief and Intuition are two different things, and a dogmatic attitude is not the best way to support the path to soul awakening.

24. What is the difference between HAVING FAITH and BELIEVING?

The search for truth goes through several stages. It starts with a sense of emptiness, goes through the stage of doubt, formulates gradually more specific questions, identifies possible answers, then starts over again. Believing is the most immediate and simple reaction to the onset of doubt. Having faith, on the other hand, is an elaborate response that arises from deeper inner reflection. In other words, the believer never reaches the stage where questions become incessant, perhaps because he or she is frightened by the idea of having to question everything. He who has faith, on the contrary, is not afraid of questions, but, at the same time, needs to give himself an answer that is definitive. The spiritual seeker does not stop here and proceeds further, even at the cost of entirely questioning the previously hard-earned faith.

25. What do you think about Reincarnation?

The phenomenon of reincarnation is an established fact in the field of spiritual research. There are numerous testimonies of people, especially children, who remember previous or otherwise different lives. Sometimes these are even future lives. Eastern philosophy contains a great deal of information about this, going so far as to propose theories and practices aimed at interrupting the cycle of incarnations and finally freeing the soul from this mechanism. Underlying the concept of incarnation is the realization that we are ethereal and immortal entities who, for some reason, end up inside a biological body and experience the material world with its typical duality.

26. Here are a series of statements about religion. Which among them comes closest to your own thinking?

Religion and spirituality have little in common, just as laws enacted by a state have little to do with the ideal of justice. While spirituality seeks the absolute, religion pursues the relativism of the world. We can safely go so far as to say that religions were created for political purposes, that is, to better control people and prevent them from developing their own consciousness that could be potentially “dangerous” to power itself. As always, there is no clear division between good and evil, right and wrong, so religions are not to be regarded as merely negative phenomena. They too are part of an evolutionary process that starts from the bottom and moves upward. The dogmas and contradictions of religions can trigger interesting doubts and questions, initiating a broader process of inquiry.

27. The law of cause and effect (Karma) states that our every action generates effects in this life and/or the next. What are your thoughts on this?

Karma has no polarity, in the sense that it is neither positive nor negative. Karma can be more or less intense and is closely related to the concept of awareness. The motivations and intentions that reside behind our actions or inactions, depending on the degree of our awareness about them, can generate more or less karma. The unaware will carry a very heavy karma with them, since by not reflecting sufficiently on their actions, they will not grasp their evolutionary significance and will tend to repeat the same “mistakes” over and over again. Since karma is linked to the concept of reincarnation, those who live in a ritualistic and superficial way will find themselves incarnating in situations very similar to their previous ones, getting stuck within this cycle. Those who live more consciously, on the other hand, will not need to relive the same situations over and over again, eventually coming to a complete break in the cycle of incarnations.

28. Do Good and Evil really exist?

This brings us back to the issue of duality. The distinction between good and evil is illusory, and it would not exist if it were not for the fact that our mind works by dividing everything into two parts, and then contrasting them and analyzing their differences. Our cognitive process proceeds, in essence, by contraposition and differentiation. In the spiritual dimensions, there is no separation, only complementarity. The mind divides, the spirit unifies. That being premised, the moral categories of good and evil are mental products, or rather projections of the mind to the external world. The world is neither good nor evil; it is we who wish to see it one way rather than the other depending on our level of awareness.



The human mind is divided into two hemispheres, which likely contributes to our tendency toward dualistic thinking. This includes concepts such as black and white, true and false, good and evil. However, the universe does not adhere to the rules of the human mind. Those engaged in spiritual seeking are aware of how thoughts can distort reality and lead us astray from the path of truth.

29. Free will may be defined as:

As in the case of advertising, here too we are faced with the opposition between inside and outside. We can imagine the outer world as a mirror reflecting the inner world. If a person feels free inwardly, his or her outer life will also reflect that sense of freedom. Beware, though! Inner freedom often leads to inaction, or nondoing, because one has understood that actions are merely reflections of a deeper feeling which exists apart from external manifestations. Why buy a particular object if I have realized that I do not really need that thing? We thus understand that true freedom lies not in doing and having, but in being.

30. Choose the noun combination that makes the most sense to you:

Here we investigate the relationship with the duality typical of the human mind, which requires us to split everything into two opposing elements and then choose a side. In the spiritual dimensions there is no dualism, only complementarity. The choice of the pair is indicative of a person’s spiritual sensitivity. Those who are more aware will therefore tend to prefer less divisive and more nuanced combinations, while those who are more into earthly logic will opt for a clear and measurable division, such as Wealth-Poverty.

31. A world in which there is no money or work. How does that affect you?

This question will make many people smile, but it is not silly at all. Can you even imagine a world without money? Or does the very idea cause you discomfort and annoyance? In the former case there is, at least, the open-mindedness needed to embark on and pursue a path of awareness; while in the latter, sadly, there seems to be no light in sight. Change always starts with doubt and/or some kind of suffering; however, if you like the world as it is, there is no point in even talking about change…

32. Imagine a person who was able to become rich and established from a modest family. How does that affect you?

The issue of money is once again at the center of the matter. In addition, there is a factor related to social recognition and admiration. Analyzing the situation in consciential terms, we can say that neither money nor social affirmation mean anything in particular, in fact they can happen even without a person actively seeking them. The situation would be completely different if we were certain that the given person was chasing money and fame. Without concrete evidence of this, it is wise to maintain a doubtful and open attitude.

33. Last and most important question, it can completely overturn the outcome of the test (*): how do you rate the questions on this test?

This last question weighs less than the others, but it still has its own validity, since it investigates the kind of awareness the user manifests toward the test itself. Clearly, those who consider our questionnaire trivial and boring have not understood its meaning and were probably expecting something lighter and more hilarious. On the other hand, those who complain about the lack of certain options show, at least apparently, that they have been thinking about the different answers offered.


Awareness Test and Awakening Test: Interpreting the outcomes

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In the use of these two unique instruments, the degree of open-mindedness and the level of attention play a key role, in addition to the age of the user. The responses are qualitative, reasoned; if read hastily and superficially they inevitably lead to a modest score.

General warnings
The awareness and the awakening tests should therefore be taken with utmost concentration, striving to understand the meaning of each answer, though seemingly trivial, before making one’s choices. Regarding the open-mindedness rate, it should be specified that the test setting requires the user to possess a certain degree of maturity and inclination toward introspection. It is unlikely that a teenager under the age of 16 would be able to grasp certain nuances inherent in the questions and answers, so it is recommended that younger people who nevertheless wish to take these two tests should do so in the company of an adult to act as a support.

Warnings for the hurried
Similarly, even an adult person accustomed to going about daily life on “autopilot” with little desire to get to the bottom of things would find these two tests hostile and uninteresting. If this is the case for you, our advice is to come back when you have an hour of time all to yourself, and only after you have emptied your mind of duties, responsibilities, and anything else that might push you to appear a certain way. Remember that giving quick, impulsive answers always leads toward a low-medium score anyway.

Authentic answers and socially desirable answers
A common problem with all personality tests, or perhaps we should say all people, is that which lies in the difference between answers perceived as genuine and those perceived as socially desirable. The most insecure individuals, those who give more weight to others’ opinions and appearances, as well as to so-called “political correctness“, show a certain predisposition toward answers that are considered “right”, but not necessarily perceived as authentic.

Let’s give an example; let’s look at the awareness test question about making judgments. We noticed that a lot of people choose this answer: judging is always wrong. But how many really feel that way? And how many, if they felt completely free from social conditioning, would rather pick this other option: we all make judgments, however, it is not necessary to externalize them (?).

If you feel that this may be the case for you, there’s no problem. Now that you’ve taken note of the issue, you might like to repeat our personality tests treasuring this new awareness, and you will see that the final result will be more interesting.

Now to the interpretation of the results
We assume that you have read the questions and answers carefully, that you have made your choices sincerely, and that your age is at least 16. If you are under 16 years of age, you should not be alarmed in case your score is low; it is perfectly normal. Come back and see us in a few years.

If you scored modestly, it means that:
– your consciousness is still in its infancy, either because you are too caught up in the material aspects of life (work, money, etc.), or because you lack spirituality and therefore believe, consciously or unconsciously, that human existence is reduced to just doing, consuming, possessing. Basically, you identify with what you do, what you own, and the concrete, measurable results you achieve. What is missing is the aspect related to Being and Feeling, without which, unfortunately, there is no possibility of developing awareness beyond ego and the perceptions of the five senses.

If you scored intermediate, on the other hand, it means that:
– your consciousness is alive, responsive and potentially ready to continue on its journey of expansion toward the infinite. This is especially true for those who are still young, say 40 and under. Those at an older age rarely experience jolts at the consciousness level, although in this field nothing can be ruled out with certainty. It is a journey of no return, meaning that once a broader form of awareness is acquired, there is no possibility of turning back. Moreover, progress in spiritual terms involves leaving behind everything that is not needed, having less in order to be more. That is why many decide, consciously or unconsciously, to settle for an alternate consciousness.

If your score is high, we can say that:
– you are a keen observer, curious, who seeks more authentic meaning even in the seemingly obvious and predictable things. An individual who is unsatisfied, though not in regard to material matters, but rather on a spiritual level. Generally those who come to this level of consciousness do not do so by accident, but as a consequence of a conscious personal choice. Since you cannot return to being unconscious, your fate would seem to be sealed: you will have to continue on this path, whether you like it or not. If you try to do otherwise you will end up betraying your nature and you will find no satisfaction in doing so. If these words sound bizarre or incomprehensible to you, then chances are that you scored high by pure chance or because you were trying to unearth the “right” answers.

SPHERES OF INTEREST (Awakening Test only)
There are four so-called spheres of interest and they investigate certain areas of consciousness and behavior, while being, of course, interrelated. The score indicates the degree of advancement in that given field. Specifically they concern:

The opposite of attachment, that is, the ability to psychologically detach oneself from everything that is worldly: objects, money, work, affections. Yes, even interpersonal relationships are part of this sphere: the soul seeks the absolute, while most earthly relationships based on kinship and mutual need are entirely transitory. Beware: when talking about attachment to objects, it should be understood that the issue is not the object itself (whatever it is), but the inner perception, whether conscious or unconscious, that we cannot live without it.

After an initial phase of upset, denial and anger, comes disillusionment. The ego resists and does not want to give up its illusions and false certainties; while the soul, which observes things from an unearthly perspective, begins little by little to demolish everything that is no longer needed.

A comfortable and leisurely life does not promote spiritual evolution and is ill-suited to the awakening process. Like it or not, suffering is a potential spiritual catalyst, and knowing how to distance oneself from the many conveniences of this consumerist world is a crucial first step toward a renewed vision of existence.

The process of soul awakening reveals itself through a complex series of symptoms and phenomena that are not always easy to grasp. We tried to collect the most common and typical ones from the early and middle stages of the awakening journey.

Try our exclusive tests; you won’t find them anywhere else: