Mini-Tests on Spirituality and Consciousness

mini personality tests about spirituality

30. Are You a Spiritual Person?
31. How Strong is Your Karma?
32. The Quiz of Inner Liberation
33. Are You a True Spiritual Seeker?
34. Are You Living Immersed in Duality?
35. Are You Hylic, Psychic, or Pneumatic?
36. Is This Your First Incarnation on Earth?
37. Are You IN the World or OF the World?
38. Are You Undergoing Spiritual Awakening?
39. Can You Identify a False Spiritual Prophet?



Let’s see if you possess an ethereal, transcendental side, or if you find yourself being completely immersed in the physical world and its dynamics. In essence, do you take care of your soul as well?

Review the following statements and check the ones you agree with and consider best aligned with your perspective.

Count the number of checked boxes and read the corresponding profile.
0: You are not spiritual at all
1-2: You are hardly spiritual
3-4: You are quite spiritual
5-6: You are very spiritual

Explanation of sentences

Life is a journey without a precise destination
This statement suggests an understanding of life as an ongoing process rather than a series of goals to be achieved. It reflects a belief in the importance of experiences and personal growth, which are often associated with spiritual perspectives.
Better an inconvenient truth than a comfortable lie
Agreeing with this indicates a commitment to authenticity and truth-seeking, values that are often aligned with spiritual growth. It suggests that you prioritize deeper understanding over superficial comfort.
Science and religion are sometimes very much alike
This reflects an openness to seeing connections between different ways of knowing and understanding the world, which can indicate a more holistic view of existence—often found in spiritual beliefs.
The world is too complicated; more simplicity is needed
This statement may indicate a yearning for clarity and peace in life, suggesting that you might seek deeper meaning beyond the complexities of modern existence—a common theme in many spiritual practices.
Sometimes I have the feeling that human society is insane
Feeling disillusioned or disconnected from societal norms can point towards a deeper search for meaning or purpose, often leading individuals toward spiritual exploration.
The more I inquire and learn, the more doubts arise in my mind
This reflects a philosophical mindset where questioning and seeking knowledge leads to greater awareness of life’s mysteries—an essential aspect of many spiritual journeys.



Karma is a kind of energy that follows the soul incarnation after incarnation and drives it to make certain choices over others. The more attached a person is to the earthly world, the greater his or her karma will be. Let us discover, then, the extent of yours!

Read the following sentences and choose the ones you agree with and find most meaningful.

Count the number of checked boxes and read the corresponding profile.
0: You have no karma and will probably not reincarnate anymore
1-2: You have some karma
3-4: You have a high karma
5-6: You have a very strong karma

Explanation of sentences

You cannot live well if you are poor
This statement suggests a strong connection between material well-being and happiness. If you share it, it means that having, for you, comes before being. The attraction to money and objects is a powerful karmic catalyst.
I am very attached to the place where I live
Attachment to physical places implies a connection to earthly experiences and comforts, prompting the presence of deep-seated karma.
I love my habits and don’t want to change them
Resistance to change is often indicative of a comfort zone that one does not want to leave; this reflects a certain attachment to the material and practical side of life. Everything that arises from attachment produces karma.
There is too much injustice, we need to fight for a better world
This thought indicates a social consciousness and a desire for collective improvement, suggesting a connection to higher values. At the same time, it reveals an intense connection with the dynamics of the earthly world, which generates karma.
The knowledge that someday I will die causes me great discomfort
Fear of death is common, but, if it causes you great discomfort, it may reveal a lack of spiritual substance and awareness, for we are immortal souls before we are shells made of flesh and bone.
It scares me to have to give up certain things (e.g., car, smartphone, etc.)
The fear of losing material possessions highlights a strong attachment to the physical world and an inability to imagine a broader, more complex reality.



From a philosophical perspective, duality refers to the concept of two fundamental and opposing principles that coexist, such as mind and body, good and evil, or reason and emotion. This dichotomy raises questions about the nature of reality and existence, prompting debates on whether these opposites are truly separate or interconnected aspects of a unified whole. From a spiritual standpoint, duality is frequently viewed as an illusion that distracts individuals from experiencing oneness with the universe; many spiritual traditions advocate transcending this dualistic thinking to achieve enlightenment or higher consciousness.

Read the statements below and select those that resonate with you.

Note the number of selected boxes and see the associated profile.
0: Duality doesn’t really belong to you
1-2: There is a little bit of Duality in you
3-4: You are heavily influenced by Duality
5-6: You are fully immersed in Duality

Explanation of sentences

Questioning everything is wrong behavior
From a psychological viewpoint, this statement reflects a fear of uncertainty and a desire for cognitive closure. Individuals who adhere to this belief may struggle with anxiety when faced with ambiguity or complexity. From a spiritual perspective, this viewpoint can hinder personal growth; questioning is essential for self-discovery and deeper understanding. Embracing inquiry allows individuals to explore their beliefs and values more profoundly.
Life is a constant battle between opposing forces
This statement embodies a worldview rooted in conflict, which can lead to stress and emotional turmoil. Psychologically, viewing life as a battleground may result in an adversarial mindset that affects relationships and overall well-being. Spiritually, this perspective can create disconnection from the idea of unity; most spiritual traditions emphasize harmony over conflict, suggesting that oppositional forces are part of a larger whole rather than isolated struggles.
I believe that happiness and sadness cannot coexist
This belief reflects an emotional rigidity that can be detrimental to mental health. From a psychological perspective, it suggests an inability to process complex emotions; research indicates that experiencing mixed emotions can enhance resilience and emotional intelligence. Spiritually, many traditions teach that joy and sorrow are intertwined aspects of the human experience—embracing both allows one to gain a broader awareness of the connection between mind and spirit.
There is always a clear right answer to every question
This statement indicates black-and-white thinking, which is often linked to cognitive distortions in psychology. Such rigid thinking can limit problem-solving abilities and stifle creativity. From a spiritual standpoint, the quest for absolute answers may detract from the journey itself; many spiritual paths encourage embracing uncertainty as part of the human experience, fostering openness to new insights.
I struggle to accept ambiguity or uncertainty in my life
Difficulty with ambiguity often correlates with anxiety disorders in psychology; individuals may feel overwhelmed by choices or lack of control over outcomes. On a spiritual level, accepting uncertainty is crucial for personal growth; it encourages surrendering control and trusting the unfolding process of life—a key tenet in many spiritual practices.
Things are generally good or bad with no middle ground
This perspective reinforces binary thinking that simplifies complex realities into categories devoid of nuance. Psychologically, such a form of Manichaeism can lead to judgmental attitudes towards oneself and others, fostering negativity bias—a tendency to focus on negative experiences over positive ones. From a spiritual perspective, recognizing the spectrum between good and bad allows for greater empathy and understanding; most spiritual teachings advocate for seeing beyond dualities toward interconnectedness.



Some souls incarnate continuously and seem to be deeply connected to planet Earth; then there are other souls, although rare, who experience, on the contrary, a very strong discomfort in finding themselves inside a material body. These last ones do not identify with the earthly world and do not feel part of humankind either; a strong homesickness burns in them, but their spiritual abode is located elsewhere. They are on this planet for the first, and probably last, time. Are you one of them?

Read the following sentences and choose the ones that best represent your thoughts.

Count the total number of selected boxes and check the related profile.
0-1: You belong to this world and will come back again
2-3: You have been here before but have visited other worlds as well
4-5: You may have been here before, but you will soon leave
6: You are here for the first and last time

Explanation of sentences

I feel limited by the body and all its needs
This feeling is typical of those who feel imprisoned within a physical body. Thus, people who experience this phenomenon tend to identify themselves more strongly with their immaterial component, struggling to accept the numerous limitations and concrete demands of the bodily part. Yet, those who are accustomed to residing within the physical body, incarnation after incarnation, do not perceive this difficulty at all.
I often wonder why I came into this world
This existential question is definitely not for everyone; in fact, it is only the most sensitive and evolved souls who ask it. Usually, such souls are here just passing through, in order to have certain experiences, but not to put down their roots. On the other hand, those belonging to this reality will tend to ask themselves what is their place in society and how they can fulfill themselves from a material point of view (work, family, etc.).
Having children is a way to fuel this perverse society
This statement will make the vast majority of people turn up their noses. However, we want to ask you a question: would you entrust your pet to a facility that organizes animal fights? If your answer is no, then answer this other question: why give an insane society the opportunity to carry out its violent dynamics? Having children involves, among many other things, legitimizing this. Try to think about it without making it personal. Your child will have to do what everyone else does if he or she wants to survive, which means submitting to the violent and competitive logic of society. Otherwise, he or she would be excluded from it. What is this, if not a way to ensure that nothing ever really changes? In conclusion, the evolved soul that knows it does not belong to this dimension, neither does it feel the need to leave a sign of its passage, in this case, one or more children.
Society is crazy and sick, but people will adapt to anything
The person adapted to the world, who likes to live here in spite of everything, may at most make some criticism with respect to the political management or economic situation of the place where they live, but will never see society as crazy or even sick. The “alien” soul, the one who is here just passing through, tends to see things from a broader perspective; this happens because it does not need to find justifications for feeling part of the world. It does not feel part of it at all, so it can observe things more objectively.
I have felt a strange sense of homesickness ever since I was a child
The feeling of nostalgia for something indefinite is typical of those who have had very different experiences from their current ones and wish to rediscover them. Souls who incarnate for the first time on Earth remain deeply attached to the worlds, or dimensions, from which they originated. Despite any efforts to adapt to Earth society, they continue to feel a sense of estrangement from the material world and terrestrial habits.
Sometimes I want to destroy everything and rebuild based on different principles
A soul that comes from higher dimensions cannot remain indifferent to the many injustices and perversions that characterize the lifestyle and mentality of human beings. It does not find satisfaction in pursuing material goals, such as money and sensory pleasures, since its goal is conscientious in nature. Hence arises the desire, albeit temporary as its passage into the world, to reset society and then rebuild it according to ethical and moral principles that are totally opposed to the prevailing ones.



This test gets its inspiration from the words of Jesus, according to the evangelist John:
<<If you were of the world, the world would love its own; yet because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you>>. This cryptic phrase with profound spiritual meaning can be summarized as follows: being in the world, but not of the world. So, do you think you belong to the world? Or do you feel you are here only passing through?

Review the following statements and check the ones you agree with and consider best aligned with your perspective.

Count the number of selected boxes and read the associated profile.
0: Most likely you are passing through IN the world
1-2: One part of you belongs to the world, another part does not
3-4: You almost certainly belong to the world
5-6: You belong to the world, or rather, you are OF the world

Explanation of sentences

Death is simply the end of everything
This statement reflects a materialistic view of existence, suggesting that life ceases to have meaning beyond physical existence. Agreeing with this implies a belief that there is no afterlife or spiritual continuation. Such a mindset can easily lead towards nihilism and make people totally dependent on external circumstances, making them extremely manipulable by worldly power.
I would like to live forever if it were possible
This expresses a desire for immortality, which can indicate a fear of death or an attachment to earthly experiences and relationships. Those who wish to extend their biological life as much as possible, completely shift their existential focus from the inside to the outside, eventually losing any solid and lasting ethical and moral reference point.
You have to live each day as if it were your last
This perspective encourages awareness and appreciation of the present moment. However, those who advocate this kind of attitude still show considerable attachment toward earthly experiences and the perceptions, often illusory, of the senses. The experiences we have are not valuable in themselves; what makes them meaningful is the interpretation we give them. If our interpretive reference is materialistic and superficial in nature, having one or a million experiences will make no difference in evolutionary terms.
I feel comfortable in society, although it is not perfect
Agreeing with this suggests an acceptance of societal norms and structures, indicating a level of integration within the world despite its flaws. While such an attitude makes life less complicated and frustrating, it also results in a mental appeasement that halts both personal and spiritual growth.
Religion is useless now that science explains everything
This statement reflects skepticism toward religion in light of scientific advances, suggesting a worldview that privileges empirical evidence over intuition and inner research. If something exists, it means it has a purpose. Religion is no exception. It is up to us to realize what kind of meaning it may hold for us. To completely ignore something, whatever it is, without even trying to understand it, is an anti-evolutionary attitude that keeps us in a state of unconsciousness.
I have the feeling that I have already lived on this planet
This may indicate a belief in reincarnation or a sense of familiarity with earthly life experiences. It could therefore be a strong attachment to the world of matter and a need to return here time after time. Conversely, as the spiritual journey progresses, it is quite common to experience a sense of alienation from the earthly world; this happens because we are inwardly reconnecting with our true abode, which is the whole universe.



Do you still give in to the illusions of the world, or have you entered the stage of disenchantment and spiritual realism? Let’s see where you are on the arduous but extraordinary path to soul awakening.

Read the following sentences and choose the ones you agree with and find most meaningful.

Count the number of checked boxes and read the corresponding profile.
0: You are sleeping soundly
1-2: You are sleeping but not completely
3-4: You wish to awaken but something is slowing you down
5-6: You are awakening

Explanation of sentences

Reality is illusory and deceptive
This statement reflects a philosophical perspective often associated with Eastern philosophies such as Buddhism, which posits that the material world can be misleading. If you resonate with this idea, it suggests a level of critical thinking about the nature of existence.
I am in the world but not of the world
This phrase captures a sentiment found in various spiritual teachings, indicating a recognition that while one may exist within societal structures and norms, their true essence or spirit transcends these worldly attachments. Agreeing with this statement indicates an awareness of higher consciousness.
Believing and having faith are different things
This distinction is crucial in many spiritual traditions. Belief can be seen as an acceptance of certain ideas without proof, while faith often implies a deeper trust or conviction that transcends mere belief. Acknowledging this difference shows a nuanced understanding of spirituality.
I question everything, even though it may hurt: The willingness to question deeply held beliefs and societal norms is often a sign of spiritual growth. It indicates a readiness to confront uncomfortable truths and seek deeper understanding, which is essential for awakening.
Useful and useless, good and evil, are relative concepts
Recognizing the relativity of moral judgments reflects an advanced level of philosophical inquiry and spiritual maturity. It suggests that you are moving beyond black-and-white thinking toward a more nuanced view of life.
Democracy degenerates if the people are ignorant and unaware
This statement touches on social consciousness and responsibility. Understanding the importance of awareness in governance indicates an engagement with both personal and collective evolution.



A false spiritual prophet is an individual who claims to possess insights or connections of a divine nature, but in reality only seeks to manipulate his or her followers for personal gain. False prophets exploit the vulnerabilities of individuals seeking guidance, using persuasive language and charisma to gain their trust. Ultimately, their intentions have nothing to do with spiritual evolution, but rather with much more pragmatic and selfish goals.

Read the following statements and choose those that best represent your way of thinking.

Count the total number of selected boxes and read the corresponding profile.
0-1: You are immunized against false prophets
2-3: You are not totally immune to false prophets
4-5: You are easily captivated by false prophets
6: You are ideal prey for false prophets

Explanation of sentences

If someone has a large following, they must be trustworthy
This is a common fallacy known as the “bandwagon effect”. Just because many people follow someone does not inherently mean that the person is trustworthy or has genuine spiritual insight. Many charismatic leaders have amassed large followings based on charm, manipulation, or even deception.
An enlightened leader does not despise money, but uses it wisely
While financial wisdom can be a trait of some spiritual leaders, an overemphasis on wealth or material gain can indicate ulterior motives. True spiritual guides often prioritize service over profit, and usually advocate for simplicity and humility rather than reliance on money and objects.
Having a spiritual guide is essential; alone we can easily get lost
This statement reflects the belief that mentorship can be beneficial in one’s spiritual journey. However, reliance on any single guide without critical evaluation can lead to manipulation or dependency on the personal goals of a false prophet. A mentor may be necessary in the early stages of spiritual searching, but thereafter each person should proceed following his or her own individual path.
A true spiritual leader only radiates positivity and optimism
While positivity is important, it is unrealistic to expect any leader to embody only positive traits. Genuine spiritual guidance often includes confronting difficult truths and addressing negative aspects of life. A leader who avoids these topics may not be providing a complete or honest perspective. Indeed, speaking of “spiritual leaders” instead of “spiritual guides” is in itself misleading, as there are no hierarchies in the higher dimensions; no one gives orders to anyone, and the path of spiritual evolution is highly subjective.
A person who speaks with great charisma and confidence is likely to be a true prophet
Charisma can attract followers, but it does not equate to truthfulness or authenticity. Many false prophets are highly charismatic and skilled at persuasion, which can mask their lack of genuine insight. We must be careful not to confuse self-confidence and rhetorical skill with the existence of genuine inner substance and moral integrity.
If a spiritual message resonates within me emotionally, it must be from a divine source
Emotional resonance does not guarantee that a message is divinely inspired; it could simply reflect personal desires or biases. Critical thinking should accompany emotional responses to discern the validity of any spiritual teaching. As human beings, we often fall into the mistake of giving a moral and rational connotation to our emotions; yet, in the field of spirituality it is crucial to be able to distinguish a momentary feeling from an enduring truth.

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Mini personality tests focused on spirituality and consciousness are designed to help individuals explore their inner selves, beliefs, and levels of spiritual awareness. These assessments consist of a series of assertions that prompt readers to reflect on their thoughts, feelings, and experiences related to the perception of reality and their place in the universe. The goal is to provide insights into how one’s personality traits and individual beliefs may influence their spiritual journey and the understanding of their otherworldly nature.

Warning: The personality assessments available on this page are offered free of charge. They are quick self-evaluation tools in which the user is responsible for counting the answers and identifying the corresponding profile. These results are indicative but not conclusive and should not be viewed as a substitute for professional psychological counseling.