Mini-Tests on Philosophical Topics

mini tests about philosophical predisposition

40. Are You a True Stoic?
41. Are you a true Gnostic?
42. Are You a True Socratic?
43. Are you a true Buddhist?
44. Are You a True Epicurean?
45. Are You Sensitive to Beauty?
46. Are You a Conspiracy Theorist?
47. Do You Live in the Platonic Cave?
48. Are You Apollonian or Dionysian?
49. Are You a True Reality Transurfer?
50. Do You Have a Philosophical Mind?



The Stoic is someone who lives in accordance with reason and nature, quietly accepting the events of life, whether positive or negative. He or she exercises dominion over his or her passions, seeking ataraxia, or a state of inner imperturbability. Finally, the true Stoic strives to practice virtue and justice, contributing to the common good and recognizing the interconnectedness of all human beings.

Read the following statements and pick the ones that best represent your thoughts.

Count the number of selected boxes and read the corresponding profile.
0-1: You are a genuine stoic
2-3: You are moderately stoic
4-5: You are basically anti-stoic
6: You are the opposite of Stoicism

Explanation of sentences

Prolonged silence makes me uncomfortable
The capacity to tolerate silence is necessary to initiate a path of inner reflection. Constantly living immersed in noise, on the contrary, stresses the senses and keeps consciousness at a more superficial level; this is not compatible with the need to live in accordance with the profound moral and ethical principles of Stoicism.
Thinking about death only breeds negativity
Stoics see death as an entirely natural moment within the broader spectrum of existence. Avoiding the idea of death feeds the material and irrational side of human beings, distancing them from the ethical and moral principles typical of Stoicism.
Institutions serve as moral guides for all of us
Stoics tend to see natural laws as superior to social conventions. Moreover, the moral and ethical values on which they base their actions are the result of an awareness that is entirely individual and little or not at all influenced by the political and cultural trends of a given historical moment.
I want to live long and enjoy life to the fullest
Although Stoics appreciate life, they also emphasize the importance of virtue over the mere enjoyment of earthly pleasures. The concept of moderation is absolutely central to the Stoic way of life.
I do my best to improve the world and society
Sharing such a purpose reveals a need to find one’s place within society. In Stoic philosophy, just like in any other path of spiritual quest, the focus is directed toward the inner world, while the outer reality plays a minor role. The Stoic lives by following his own consciousness regardless of what happens in society. Therefore, he indirectly contributes to the welfare of the community by providing an example of righteousness and integrity.
I identify with certain trends and currents of thought
This assertion implies a certain dependence on external opinions and momentary social trends, which is contrary to the Stoic ideal of autonomy of thought and individual moral integrity.



Gnosticism emerged in the late 1st century AD, primarily influenced by early Christian sects and nonrabbinical Jewish groups. It drew heavily from Platonic philosophy, Hellenistic mystery religions, and elements of Zoroastrianism, creating a unique synthesis that emphasized personal spiritual knowledge (gnosis) over everything else. Although it had much in common with early Christianity, its interpretation of the gospels was very different with regard to certain specific aspects. This spiritual philosophy still holds great appeal today and can provide insights that are interesting to say the least. Let’s see if you possess a true knowledge of Gnostic principles.

Identify and select statements in line with Gnostic theories.

Record the number of boxes selected and consult the matching profile.
0: True Gnostics would call you Hylic
1-2: You are hardly Gnostic
3-4: You are an evolving Gnostic
5-6: You are a true Gnostic or Pneumatic

Explanation of sentences

The material world is inherently evil
In Gnostic thought, the material world is viewed as flawed or corrupt. This belief stems from the idea that the physical realm serves as a prison for the soul, which is considered divine and inherently good. The dualistic nature of Gnosticism posits that there are two opposing realms: the spiritual (which is pure and good) and the material (which is flawed and evil). Many Gnostics believe that the creator God, or Demiurge, is responsible for this imperfect material world.
Salvation comes through knowledge of spiritual truths
Central to Gnosticism is the concept of gnosis, which translates to “knowledge.” In this context, salvation is achieved through understanding and experiencing spiritual truths rather than through faith alone or adherence to religious laws. This emphasis on personal knowledge over institutionalized belief systems highlights a key difference between Gnosticism and mainstream Christianity. Thus, this statement aligns with Gnostic principles.
The soul’s journey involves transcending the material realm
Gnostics believe that the ultimate goal of human existence is to transcend the physical world and return to a higher spiritual reality. This journey involves gaining knowledge and enlightenment about one’s true nature as a divine being trapped in a flawed body. The process of awakening to one’s true self typically requires overcoming ignorance imposed by the earthly world.
The material world was created by a lesser entity called the Demiurge
In many Gnostic texts, particularly those influenced by Platonic thought, there exists a belief in a creator God known as the Demiurge who is often depicted as ignorant or malevolent. This being creates the material world but does not embody true divinity; instead, it represents a lower form of existence that keeps souls trapped in physicality. This notion contrasts sharply with traditional views of God in mainstream religions as an all-good creator.
Individual spiritual experience is more important than religious institutions
Gnosticism emphasizes personal spiritual experiences over institutionalized religion or dogma. The focus on individual enlightenment and direct experience of the divine supports this statement’s alignment with Gnostic principles. Many Gnostics argue that established religious institutions can hinder personal understanding and connection to spirituality by enforcing rigid doctrines that may not resonate with individual experiences.
Some humans possess a divine spark that can be awakened through enlightenment
A core tenet of Gnosticism is that certain individuals possess a divine spark or inner light that can be realized through personal insight and enlightenment. This belief underscores much of Gnostic philosophy; it suggests that while all humans have potential divinity within them, only some are capable of awakening it through their pursuit of knowledge and truth about themselves and their existence.



Socrates was an important ancient Greek philosopher, born in Athens around 470 B.C., known for his innovative and nonconformist approach to philosophical research. His method, termed Socratic, and his ideas have come down to us thanks mainly to the writings of one of his students, Plato, since Socrates left nothing in writing. This historical figure represents a pillar of Western thought, although in his time he was by no means loved and respected by all. Even today his method of philosophical inquiry can be used effectively to stimulate individual reflection and entice interpersonal discussion.

Select the sentences you consider to be in line with Socrates’ thought.

Note the number of selected boxes and read the relevant profile.
0: You are not Socratic at all
1-2: You are a little bit Socratic
3-4: You are a growing Socrates
5-6: Socrates would be proud of you!

Explanation of sentences

Human beings are profoundly ignorant
Socrates’ entire intellectual output originated from his realization of a fundamental truth: ignorance is the origin of all evil. After realizing this, the Athenian philosopher began his path of inquiry aimed at transforming his ignorance into knowledge that was as accurate and close to ultimate truth as possible. So, according to Socrates, the human being comes into the world in a condition of ignorance and must, as a first step, acknowledge it.
Socrates used maieutics to get others to reflect
Maieutics is the art of midwives, that is, those women who once assisted other women in childbirth. Socrates was inspired by them, considering his dialogical technique as a form of birthing in which the interlocutors, by interacting and stimulating each other, finally arrive at giving birth to a shared truth. Maieutics had, and still has, the purpose of activating critical thinking.
Dialogue is the basis of the process of knowledge
At the heart of the Socratic method is dialogue, meaning the continuous dialectical confrontation between people. The philosopher believed that this method was the only one capable of leading to a shared truth. It should be specified that Socrates considered knowledge not so much as a form of learning, but as a phenomenon based on remembering, believing by this that we already possess certain knowledge and truths, only that we have forgotten them. Dialogue would have the ability to bring them back.
Socrates was sentenced to death by his fellow citizens
Unfortunately, it went exactly this way. At that time in Athens, trials were held publicly and it was the people themselves who judged the accused guilty or innocent, not before hearing both the prosecution and the defense. This form of forensic democracy led to the condemnation to death of Socrates, who was found guilty of various offenses, including corrupting the minds of young people by imparting to them his ideas, the very ones we are addressing here.
Those who consider themselves wise are generally not wise at all
Numerous curious anecdotes are circulating about Socrates’ attitude toward the so-called wise men. It seems that he was a real bogeyman for these latter, since he used them as targets for his uncomfortable questions. What came out of it, question after question, was that these self-proclaimed experts knew little or nothing at all about the subject about which they considered themselves prepared. They were experts mainly in the use of words and in giving the impression that they were competent.
The limitation of books is that they always give the same answers
Although there is no certainty that such a statement was actually produced by Socrates, we do know that he left nothing written as he considered dialogue and the act of verbally passing on ideas to be the most effective. Apparently, the philosopher found a major flaw in knowledge handed down in writing, namely the fact that books, when faced with a question, always answered in the same way, soon becoming obsolete. In contrast, dialogue with other people could generate new answers and enlightenment.



Buddhist philosophy is an ancient Indian philosophical system that emerged from the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha, focusing on the nature of suffering, its causes, and the path to liberation through ethical conduct, meditation, and wisdom. Do you identify yourself with the existential principles of Buddhist thought? We believe that every ancient philosophy, be it of Eastern or Western origin, contains valuable ideas and insights. So, let’s see if you are a true connoisseur of Buddhism.

Select the sentences that you consider in line with the Buddhist view of life.

Record the number of checked boxes and see the relevant profile.
0: You are not Buddhist at all
1-2: You are vaguely Buddhist
3-4: There is a growing Buddha in you
5-6: You are Siddhartha Gautama himself!

Explanation of sentences

Life is inherently filled with suffering
This statement reflects the First Noble Truth of Buddhism, which states that suffering (dukkha) is an intrinsic part of existence. According to Buddhist philosophy, all beings experience suffering in various forms, whether it be physical pain, emotional distress, or existential dissatisfaction.
Present actions will influence future incarnations
This aligns with the concept of karma in Buddhism. Karma refers to the law of moral causation where intentional actions (good or bad) have consequences that affect future experiences and rebirths. Thus, this statement accurately represents a fundamental aspect of Buddhist belief regarding the cycle of samsara (the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth).
Impermanence is a fundamental aspect of existence
This statement reflects another core teaching in Buddhism known as anicca (impermanence). Everything in life is transient; nothing lasts forever. Recognizing impermanence helps individuals detach from material possessions and desires, leading to a deeper understanding of reality.
It is possible to end suffering by letting go of attachments
This aligns with the Fourth Noble Truth, which teaches that the cessation of suffering can be achieved through the Eightfold Path—one aspect being the practice of non-attachment or letting go of cravings and desires.
Ethical conduct is crucial in cultivating a harmonious society
Ethical conduct (sila) is one of the foundational aspects emphasized in Buddhism for personal development and societal harmony. The Five Precepts guide ethical behavior among practitioners and contribute to a peaceful community.
The ultimate goal of Buddhism is the attainment of Nirvana
Nirvana represents the liberation from suffering and the cycle of samsara; it is indeed considered the ultimate goal in Buddhism. Achieving Nirvana signifies enlightenment and freedom from all attachments and desires.



Epicurus lived in Greece between the fourth and third centuries B.C., later becoming known as the philosopher of pleasure. In his Letter to Menoeceus, he outlines his theory regarding death, ethics and the pursuit of happiness. According to this philosopher, the attainment of happiness is not only possible, but turns out to be much easier than one might imagine. Epicureanism is sometimes associated with hedonism and other currents of thought that emphasize the importance of sensory and material pleasures, however, the differences are more than the similarities. What about you? Are you an authentic Epicurean?

Select the sentences you believe to be in line with Epicurus’ thought.

Note the number of selected boxes and read the relevant profile.
0: There is nothing Epicurean about you!
1-2: You are moderately Epicurean
3-4: You are quite Epicurean
5-6: You are an authentic Epicurean!

Explanation of sentences

The good can be obtained easily
Epicurus argued that good is attainable through the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain. In his view, the good could be achieved by devoting oneself to philosophy, which had exactly this purpose. The recipe for achieving the good consisted in turning away from all unnecessary and harmful desires and consciously focusing on the natural ones, exercising restraint at all times.
Pleasure is primarily the absence of pain
This statement reflects much of the Epicurean thought. Epicurus defined pleasure as the absence of physical pain (aponia) and mental disturbance (ataraxia). But how to achieve this? Simple, by learning to distinguish what causes suffering from what instead brings balance and fulfillment. Thus, in Epicurean philosophy, suffering is the basic condition of human beings, while happiness, which coincides with the good, consists in being able to remove such pain.
What is frightening about death is its anticipation
Epicurus spoke of death as a natural event not to be feared, since when we are alive death is not present, and when death comes we are no longer able to perceive it. This idea is perfectly in line with his philosophy of pleasure, according to which it is necessary to ward off both thoughts and sensations capable of generating psychological upset and physical pain. Fear of death is among such elements.
The key to happiness lies in moderation
Epicurus emphasized the importance of moderation in the enjoyment of pleasures. He believed that simpler and more moderate pleasures led to more satisfying living than excessive pleasures. Epicurean philosophy is thus different from the hedonistic thought of excess, which saw among its followers the famous Irish writer Oscar Wilde. In the ancient Greek mentality, the theme of moderation and avoidance of excesses is central. Katà métron, so said the ancient Hellenic philosophers, which means according to the right measure. Moderation was considered an indispensable virtue for achieving so-called eudaimonia.
Not all pleasures are to be sought equally
This assertion is consistent with Epicurean thought, as he classified pleasures into various categories, considering those most in line with human nature as preferable to more sophisticated ones. Today we might call them induced needs, referring to those desires that we would not have if they were not inculcated in us from the outside. Pleasures and needs that were distant from human nature, according to Epicurus, ended up producing further suffering, and therefore had to be eliminated or in any case pursued with extreme restraint.
Philosophy can and should be practiced by young and old alike
According to Epicurus, the pursuit of philosophy actually coincided with the pursuit of happiness. In the Letter to Menoeceus he explains that a person who is disinterested in philosophy is essentially someone who does not yet feel ready to be happy. Now, happiness is ageless, so Epicurus invited everyone, young and old, to devote themselves to the exercise of this important rational activity.



The ancient Greek philosophers believed that in true beauty there was also truth. Ultimate truths are not accessible by the limited human mind, yet, by contemplating the wonders produced by the universe it is possible to feel part of the perfection of creation. So, are you also an admirer of TRUE beauty?

Review the following statements and check the ones you agree with and consider best aligned with your perspective.

Count the number of selected boxes and read the associated profile.
0: You recognize and appreciate true beauty
1-2: You are fairly sensitive to true beauty
3-4: You confuse beautiful with desirable
5-6: You can’t discern true beauty

Explanation of sentences

Life is beauty, death is ugliness
This belief reflects a dichotomy often found in human perception. Life is frequently associated with vibrancy, growth, and potential—elements that many find beautiful. Conversely, death can evoke feelings of loss and despair, which may be perceived as ugly. However, some philosophies argue that death also holds its own form of beauty as a natural part of life’s cycle.
Physical beauty is too short-lived
This observation recognizes the transitory nature of physical attributes while still considering them significant. While society often places high value on physical appearance, it is essential to acknowledge that true beauty transcends mere physicality. It encompasses qualities such as character, kindness, and wisdom—attributes that endure beyond superficial appearances.
A blazing red Ferrari, what a sight!
This statement highlights the allure of material possessions and their aesthetic appeal. While many may find a Ferrari visually stunning due to its design and engineering excellence, it raises questions about whether admiration for such objects stems from genuine appreciation for beauty or societal conditioning regarding desirability.
Beautiful things generally are also expensive
This assertion points to a common belief that high-quality or aesthetically pleasing items come with a hefty price tag. While there may be some truth to this in certain contexts (e.g., art or luxury goods), it overlooks the fact that beauty can be found in simplicity and accessibility—such as in nature or everyday life.
There is beauty in nature, but nothing surpasses human works
This perspective elevates human creativity above natural wonders. While human creations—artworks, architecture—can indeed be breathtakingly beautiful, it’s crucial to recognize that nature itself offers unparalleled beauty through its complexity and diversity.
Our world is beautiful and perfect as it is, but not everyone can see it
This statement suggests an inherent beauty in the world around us that may go unnoticed by those who lack sensitivity or awareness. However, this belief hints at the idea that the material world, of which nature is a part with all its ruthlessness, is something perfect in itself. One should not confuse what is aesthetically beautiful, or perfectly functional, such as nature, with what belongs to the spiritual world.



In an increasingly intricate and incomprehensible world, where economic interests are intertwined with obsessions of power and excessive narcissism, how do we distinguish the real from the simulated? No wonder, then, that some people lose confidence in institutions and become suspicious.

Read the sentences below and select the ones you agree with and that you think make the most sense.

Count the number of checked boxes and read the corresponding profile.
0: You are not a conspiracy theorist at all
1-2: You display some vague conspiracy tendencies
3-4: You display strong conspiracy tendencies
5-6: You are a genuine conspiracy theorist

Explanation of sentences

Television mostly spreads lies
This statement reflects a deep skepticism towards mainstream media. While it’s true that media outlets can have biases or may not always present facts accurately, it is essential to differentiate between legitimate criticism of media practices and an overarching belief that all televised content is false.
Truly independent news media are rare
This assertion highlights concerns about media ownership and influence. Many people believe that corporate interests shape news narratives, leading to a perception that independent journalism is scarce. However, there are still reputable independent outlets committed to factual reporting.
Power wants to keep us ignorant to better control us
This belief suggests a view of power dynamics where those in authority intentionally mislead the public for their gain. While there are historical instances where information has been manipulated by those in power, this perspective can lead to a generalized mistrust of all authorities.
If an authority says it, the majority will blindly believe it
This statement implies a lack of critical thinking among the general populace. While social psychology does show that people often conform to authority figures, it’s important to recognize that many individuals actively question and analyze information presented by authorities.
Real power does not belong to politicians but to those who control them
This viewpoint aligns with theories suggesting that unseen forces (like corporations or secret societies) wield more influence than elected officials. While lobbying and corporate influence are real issues in politics, attributing all power dynamics solely to hidden entities oversimplifies complex societal structures.
The real rulers of the world are barely known and operate in the shadows
This belief encapsulates many conspiracy theories about elite groups manipulating global events behind closed doors. While there are indeed powerful individuals and organizations with significant influence, asserting that they operate entirely in secrecy can lead one down a path of paranoia rather than informed skepticism.



Are you familiar with the myth of the cave by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato? If you are a curious person interested in understanding how the world works, you should not miss it! This myth was invented 2,500 years ago, but it is incredibly topical. It has to do with spiritual enlightenment and beyond…

Read the sentences below and select the ones you agree with and that you think make the most sense.

Determine the number of selected boxes and examine the resulting profile.
0: You escaped from the cave
1-2: You are almost out of the cave
3-4: You live in the cave but at times you find it uncomfortable
5-6: You live in the cave and you like it very much

Explanation of sentences

Philosophy is a waste of time!
Agreeing with this statement suggests a rejection of deeper inquiry into existence and meaning. It reflects a mindset that prioritizes immediate gratification or practical concerns over philosophical exploration.
Television is essential for staying informed
This viewpoint indicates reliance on mainstream media for information. If one believes television provides all necessary knowledge without questioning its sources or biases, it mirrors the prisoners’ acceptance of shadows as truth.
Constantly asking yourself questions is harmful
This belief discourages critical thinking and self-reflection. It aligns with remaining comfortable within the confines of one’s own beliefs rather than seeking deeper truths.
Reality is clear; there is no conspiracy or deception
Accepting this notion implies trust in surface-level appearances without questioning underlying motives or complexities—much like how cave dwellers perceive only shadows.
If something is hard to understand, it is not for me
This attitude reflects an aversion to challenging ideas or concepts that require effort to comprehend, favoring simplicity over depth—akin to preferring shadows over reality.
Institutions work for our good and deserve utmost trust
Trusting institutions without scrutiny can signify complacency and acceptance of established narratives without critical examination—similar to how prisoners accept their limited view as complete truth.



Reality Transurfing is a metaphysical concept developed by Russian author Vadim Zeland, which posits that individuals can navigate through different life paths or realities by shifting their focus and intentions. It emphasizes the idea that reality is not a fixed entity but rather a multitude of potential outcomes that can be influenced by one’s thoughts and beliefs. Such a philosophy of living can support people in pursuing their goals more easily and naturally, avoiding the negative consequences typically associated with anxiety and stress.

Select the statements that properly describe the principles of Reality Transurfing.

Count the number of checked boxes and read the associated profile.
0: You are not a Reality Transurfer at all
1-2: You are an amateur Reality Transurfer
3-4: You are an advanced Reality Transurfer
5-6: You are an experienced Reality Transurfer!

Explanation of sentences

Reality is a reflection of our thoughts and beliefs
This statement aligns closely with the principles of Reality Transurfing. The idea that reality reflects our inner state is fundamental to the concept, suggesting that our perceptions and beliefs shape our experiences. According to Zeland, individuals create their realities through their thoughts, which act as a mirror reflecting their internal state.
Intention plays a key role in shaping one’s reality
This is another core principle of Reality Transurfing. Intention is seen as a powerful force that can direct one’s life path and influence outcomes. Zeland emphasizes that having clear intentions allows individuals to navigate through various potential realities, effectively choosing the paths they wish to pursue.
Negative emotions can lead to undesirable life outcomes
This statement also fits within the framework of Reality Transurfing. The philosophy suggests that negative emotions can create resistance and attract unfavorable circumstances, thus impacting one’s life trajectory. By recognizing and managing these emotions, individuals can align themselves more closely with positive outcomes.
Pendulums are social structures that influence our behavior
In Reality Transurfing, “pendulums” refer to collective thought forms or societal influences that can sway individual behavior and choices. This concept highlights how external factors—such as societal norms, cultural expectations, or group dynamics—can affect personal reality and decision-making processes.
Reality Transurfing is inspired by quantum physics principles
Vadim Zeland, the founder of Reality Transurfing, has been a researcher in the field of quantum physics; his outlook on life and the philosophical principles underlying his discipline are derived both from ancient knowledge and from specific interpretations of fundamental principles found in quantum physics.
One should avoid competing with others to maintain balance
This principle emphasizes harmony over competition, suggesting that striving for balance rather than engaging in rivalry leads to better outcomes in life. Zeland advocates for cooperation and understanding instead of conflict, positing that this approach fosters a more favorable environment for personal growth and success.



Curiosity and the need to know are the basis of the philosophical quest. The philosophical mind thirsts for knowledge and is aware that the search for truth is a process destined to never end. Are you also a true philosopher?

Read the sentences below and select the ones you agree with and that you think make the most sense.

Count the number of checked boxes and read the corresponding profile.
0: Your mind is anti-philosophical
1-2: Your mind is unphilosophical
3-4: Your mind is prone to philosophy
5-6: You are a true philosopher

Explanation of sentences

Man is the measure of all things
This statement, attributed to Protagoras, suggests that human perception and experience shape our understanding of reality. Agreeing with this implies a belief in subjective truth and the importance of individual perspectives.
Life is a process of constant searching
This reflects the idea that life is not static but rather an ongoing quest for knowledge, understanding, and meaning. If you resonate with this notion, it indicates an acknowledgment of the dynamic nature of existence.
Ignorance, the root and stem of every evil
This perspective aligns with the belief that lack of knowledge leads to harmful actions and societal issues. Agreeing here suggests a commitment to education and enlightenment as pathways to moral improvement.
Let him who would move the world, first move himself
This statement emphasizes personal responsibility and self-improvement as prerequisites for broader change. If you agree, it shows an understanding that transformation begins within oneself.
A fool is known by his speech; and a wise man by silence
This highlights the value of contemplation over mere verbal expression. Agreement indicates an appreciation for wisdom that often lies in restraint and thoughtful consideration rather than in excessive dialogue.
Studying and understanding history is critical to evolving socially
This underscores the importance of historical context in shaping current societal values and progress. If you agree, it reflects an awareness that learning from past experiences is essential for future development.

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The primary purpose of these quick self-administered personality tests is to help individuals understand their philosophical inclinations and how these beliefs shape their worldview. They can provide insights into one’s ethical stance, metaphysical views, and epistemological positions. By engaging with these topics through a structured format, participants can reflect on their convictions and potentially discover areas for personal growth or further exploration. In this regard, after completing the mini-tests you should carefully read the explanations provided for each statement.

Warning: The personality assessments available on this page are offered free of charge. They are quick self-evaluation tools in which the user is responsible for counting the answers and identifying the corresponding profile. These results are indicative but not conclusive and should not be viewed as a substitute for professional psychological counseling.